squirrel calls

Ok, today I saw two things, a grey squirrel and a grey man.

First the grey squirrel. This was clinging on to the top of a small tree, staring at me and shouting its head off. REALLY going for it. I went right up to the tree to see if he was stuck or injured, gave it a bit of a shake to see if that’d move him, but no. He was just up there having a good old shout at me. So here’s a question for you; what does it mean when a squirrel is up a tree and shouting at you? I felt like Damien in The Omen, except that was monkeys doing the shouting and he was the son of the Devil, and I’m not… I don’t think… I haven’t had the police report yet… you think they’ll mention it on there?

Second grey of the day, was Brian Titten of the Surrey Business Advice service. He was a nice man, who reinforced to me the fact that I’ve managed to choose to set up a business for which the customers are nigh on impossible to identify or contact. Thanks. I knew that. But I like a challenge… This is VERY challenging but my rapidly dwindling finances help to concentrate the mind nicely… OK press release time…

Talking of press, The Daily Show is on More 4 most days at 8:30. Watch it, it’s very funny.

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